Passion Plus(Passion Plus)

Dongyang Technical College(Glsarang)
Dongyang Technical College
長260mm×幅150mm×高400mm, 重7kg, 速???mm/s
ライントレース, 距離センサ,
光センサ, ハンド,
My robot, Passion Plus, was upgraded. A AVR RISC chip was added and a PSD sensor was inserted. So I think Passion Plus became better than Passion shown in June. I desire that my Passion Plus will get good records..^^;
My robot catches the objects using robot arms. I used two DC motors for arms and a pair of stepping motors for moving. My robot has two high frquency sensors that check steel(for CAN), a PSD sensor for tower. A AVR is used in order to control the PSD Sensor.
予選 競技点: 76 審査点: 17.40 補正: 0 合計:93.40   技術: 9.40 パフォ: 8.00 挑戦:???
決勝 競技点: 77 審査点: 17.60 補正: 0 合計:94.60   技術: 10.00 パフォ: 7.60 挑戦:???