BaiHu Type1

Loulan Kingdom
Self-content, Single-robot
L:300mm * W:220mm * H:180mm, 3.0kg, 15mm/s
Line-trace, Dead-reconing, Distance sensor,

車輪の方が圧倒的に有利な本大会で、あえて4足歩行ロボを出すならこれだ!と思って造ったロボです。 Wheels have very big advantage in this robot contest. But I wanted to make a robot walking with legs. So I made this leg-wheel heybrid robot.
ラジコン用サーボを用いた4足歩行と、DCモータを用いた車輪走行が可能です。車輪走行時には前足はボールを捕らえる手となります。 He can walk with 4 legs actuated by RC servo units. And he can also run with 2 wheels driven by DC motors. When he runs with wheels, he can use his forelegs as arms to catch balls.
1st Pre.round Game: 5, Judge: ---, Compensation: 0, Sum.:5.00
Performance: --- Challenge: --- Art:--- Technical :---