Cute Bruce

Shibuya-Sentai Blue
Self-content, Single-robot
L:200mm * W:250mm * H:200mm, 0.6kg, 100mm/s

知人が開発したAmnoB(まきもの用のプラグイン)でインラインアセンブラー言語も使っています。興味のある方は、をご覧下さい。 We also used a piece of software called AmnoB (pronounced "Amino B"), that plugs into the Makimono programming software and allows us to use assembler lines within the native "Makimono" language.
メカトロの遊ぶ会の「梵天丸」をベースに仕上げました。ライントレースを駆使しながらコースを動き回り、ボールを押すにはブルドーザー方式を使用しています。 We relied on Mekatoro-de-asobu-kai's PIC16F84-based "Bontenmaru" robot to serve as a basis for our robot. Using line tracing technology with the four light sensors, our robot moves around the course, simultaneously pushing the balls around like a bulldozer.
1st Pre.round Game: 5, Judge: ---, Compensation: 0, Sum.:5.00
Performance: --- Challenge: --- Art:--- Speed :---

Revival Game: 5, Judge: ---, Compensation: 0, Sum.:5.00
Performance: --- Challenge: --- Art:--- Speed :---